Friday, December 31, 2010

December 31st - We Love Progress!!

Look who got her NG tube taken out today!?!?!
Collins did so well with breast & bottle feedings yesterday, she didn't even use her NG tube so her nurse took it out this morning! We've had 2 sessions with the hospital's lactation consultants (they are AWESOME!!) & Collins once again surpassed my expectations. She latched on well during our first session yesterday & actually fed for a solid 20 minutes today - what a champ! It's exhausting to keep up with with the every 2-3 hour pumping schedule on top of their every 3 hour feeding schedule, but TOTALLY worth it!

Casen has been able to hold & digest the majority of his feedings since yesterday, so they released him from the incubator tonight! If he maintains his own body temperature well & continues to improve with feedings, then he'll get to stay out with sister & begin to try breast/bottle feeds tomorrow.

December 30th

The twin are doing well today. Collins is a little trooper & such a big girl! Our NICU nurse helped me start "Kangaroo Care" (skin-to-skin bonding time) with her this morning & we had some great mommy-daughter snuggle time. She's been tolerating NG tube feeds like a pro, but really took me by surprise when she latched on a few times during breastfeeding! She adjusted to a bottle nipple really well, so hopefully it won't be long before we can get rid of her NG tube.

Casen is having some trouble digesting his tube feeds & keeping his temps regulated. For the next few days, he'll stay in the incubator so he can focus on letting his tummy do its job. He's already had some sporadic improvement, so we're hoping he continues to improve quickly.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

December 28th

Everything happened so fast, we didn't have much time to think! Bryan watched the entire c-section, & before we knew it, his hands were full!

As soon as my spinal wore off @ 3:30am, I made Bryan take me to the NICU so I could hold my babies. Here's my first chance to hold Collins... talk about love at first site! No big surprise there, though - she looks just like her daddy!

Here's my first chance to hold Casen - my little man! Poor baby... IVs are no fun, especially in the scalp! :(

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

33 weeks & 6 days

Okay... MAJOR change in plans!! I started having contractions Tues afternoon that caused baby boy's heart rate to drop. Dr. Tibiletti came to check on us & guess who was dilated to a 3?!?! Within seconds I had four different nurses in my room & we went immediately to surgery. I'm still in awe at how quickly everything happened - I was in & out of sugery within one hour!
We have 2 beautiful new babies... Casen Ray weighs 4 pounds 3 oz & is 17 inches long; Collins Elaine weighs 4 pounds 10 oz & is 17 inches long. They are both in the NICU right now but doing well. Collins' blood sugar was initially low, but stabilized quickly. Casen was grunting a bit after birth & put on O2 for a few hours, but is completely off now & breathing great on his own. They both have feeding tubes in place & are tolerating formula feeds well along with what colostrum I've been able to pump. The nursing staff at Good Shepherd has been wonderful! Dr. Chris is taking care of the twins in the NICU & estimates that they'll be there for about 2 weeks. We're hopeful that if the babies continue to do well, we may be able to bring them home sooner.

Collins Elaine McCaskill
4 pounds 10 ounces, 17 inches

Casen Ray McCaskill
4 pounds 3 ounces, 17 inches

Platelets have come up a bit more today - now at 63K! We met with the hematologist this morning & he thinks the drop was just pregnancy-induced & not anything more serious at this time. We are basically moving into the hospital for the next 1-2 weeks to closely monitor labs. If my platelets continue to increase, the perinatologist may let us go until 35 weeks. If they drop again though, we'll be headed for surgery. We're relieved the babies are healthy & now are just waiting to hear what the plan will be. We appreciate all of the prayers - thank you!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Week 33

Great news! Platelets came up to 61,000 - looks like the twins will stay where they are for the night! We'll check labs again in the morning.
We are in the hospital today with elevated blood pressure & low platelets. My BP has stabilized, but we're waiting for repeat labs @ 6pm. If platelets keep dropping, there's a chance that Dr. T may have to take the babies tonight. We're @33 weeks & 5 days and the babies look great. I'm hoping we can hold off at least a few more days, though. We'll see...

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Week 30

The twins are doing great!
They each weigh about 3.5 pounds now & love to move!
We're hoping to make it at least 4 more weeks.
So far, so good... we'll take 1 day at a time!
More 4D pics of our sweet babies...
This is by far the best yet!
Our precious baby girl... how beautiful!

She loves to open her mouth.
I think we'll have a talker on our hands!
Her hair even showed up on the sono!

Her cute little foot... & all 5 toes!
Baby B hiding his face.
He did not feel like cooperating as much as sister did!
Baby B's ear