Saturday, August 25, 2012

19 months

Case & Lainey are 19 months old now.  Like all normal toddlers, they are exploring their limits. You can bet that if Casen gets corrected for doing something he is not supposed to Collins will stop her current activity to see what happens when she does the same thing (& vice versa). Some of their favorite naughty behaviors include pulling at the window blinds (which generally stay pulled half way up to limit temptation), tossing sippy cups on the floor, & standing on/running/jumping on furniture. They are such wonderful kids - far from behavior problems, but toddlers nonetheless & they certainly keep us on our toes!
Collins started speech therapy last week. She is such a social butterfly - she loves to smile & wave at random people wherever we go & therapy is no different. It is interesting to see the techniques they use to stimulate sensory receptors & encourage speech development.  Her therapist also encourages Collins to use the signs she knows to communicate.  She still does not verbalize the words with her signs, but I think she'll get there before long. 
Casen is slowly building words in his vocabulary.  He's very good with verbalizing animal sounds & also continues to learn new signs.
 Casen has discovered Sesame Street & loves to watch the puppets.  He will sit for 10-15 minutes straight.  Collins may watch for a minute or two, but then busies herself around the room with various toys.

Casen using sister's ball as an impromptu chair while playing with Phanny, his ball-popper elephant.

Collins is a character!  She loves creating her own hats. Here she is after snatching Casen's shorts away from me during a diaper change.

The kids both love to read!

Our smiley, giggly girl!

The toddler stage brings quite a bit of mischief as well.  Now that Casen can climb out of his toddler bed, he often searches the nursery at night for something to get into.  This night he included Collins in the event by tossing the wipes container into her crib then working together to pull them all out.  I can't help but laugh when I see Collins' face, though!

Case & Lainey give sweet hugs & kisses all the time - often to each other!

Casen building a block tower with Daddy.

& here comes the demolition crew!

This weekend we were in Houston for Caitlin's bridal shower & we took the opportunity to meet up with one of Michelle's college roommates at the Children's Museum.
Michelle & Laura (& Miller @ 35 weeks gestation)

Case & Lainey got to play with Laura's sweet little girl, Rebekah. She's about 6 months younger than the twins, but already taller than Collins!

Case taking Lainey for a ride
Pretty flowers

Collins & Rebekah playing house with Laura
Collins getting loves from Laura
Casen exploring the tunnel
Collins driving the truck