Sunday, April 14, 2013

Outdoor Fun!

We've had some really beautiful weather lately, so we're spending a lot of time outside. The kids love to do anything outdoors! If we can't go to the park, then they ride their trikes, blow bubbles, play T-ball, basketball, or golf. I'm not looking forward to the Texas heat... I see many hot, sticky days in our future!

Our sweet Lainey. She smiles 90% of the time... the other 10% of the time, Mommy is trying to take her picture.

Vivi girl - 6 months

Isn't Casen cute in his little Fedora?!?!

He got a golf set for his birthday & he loves to play "folf"! So far he swings left-handed with a bat & golf club.

Casen discovered that his big balls will sit on the tee as well, so of course he thinks it's fun to bat at them!

Swing, Batta-Batta, Swing!!

Lainey usually has her own unique swing, but occasionally she holds the bat upright. Overall, she's not too impressed with T-ball yet.

Collins loves to draw with sidewalk chalk! That's usually the toy she chooses when we play outside.

Our little baller... 2 points!!


"Oh, Hi everyone!! Don't you love my new swimsuit?!?"

Case & Lainey love their trikes

Never fear... Super Case is here!!
Gram & Wampa got the twins super hero costumes for Valentine's day. Casen insisted on wearing his while riding his bike one day. I just love him!!

Practicing his different faces...

Easter 2013

We went to Dallas for Easter this year. It's always so fun to hang with our fam!

Case & Lainey colored Easter eggs with Megan & Lindsey. They LOVED it!!

Kristi & Kendall made confetti eggs for the kids - so fun!

"What's this in my hair?!?!?"

Casen, Collins, & Emma breaking open confetti eggs on their heads.

Grandma Vivi & Baby Vivi watching all of the action from the shaded porch.

Charlotte & Ella (still sleepy from naptime) joining the party.

Ready, Set, Go! Let's hunt Easter eggs!! Lainey's on a mission :) 
She actually surprised me & did better than Casen at collecting eggs. Once Case realized that there was candy inside, all he wanted to do was stop & open each egg he found.

"Hey, there's candy in these eggs!"

"I wonder what's inside of these eggs?"

Lainey's stash!

Emma's stash! This girl's serious about hunting eggs - she definitely found the most :)

Casen's stash! (Notice most of his candy's already out of the eggs! :)

Now it's time to really dig into these eggs!

I love how Collins turned her back on Casen to sort through her basket! We don't want any confusion over whose candy is whose!

Lainey didn't bother to take the foil off of this chocolate egg before sinking her teeth in!

Emma & Collins

"Hmm, I think she got more than me!"

Nana & Pop got Casen a T-ball set for Easter. He LOVES to hit the ball & he's actually pretty good!

Lainey LOVES bubbles & she had fun making big bubbles with Aunt Lindsey.

Nana & Pop got the kids a sandbox & they didn't waste time digging in!

We're going to have to watch this one at the beach this summer - she apparently loves to eat sand!

Zoo Trip

We went to Dallas over Bryan's spring break & took the kids to the Ft. Worth Zoo. It turned into a fun family outing - Sam & Charlotte came with Emma & Ella and Nana, Pop, Aunt Megan, Aunt Lindsey, & Grandma Vivi joined in on the fun!

Casen & Collins LOVED feeding the birds!! What a neat exhibit!
Case & Lainey with Nana & Pop

Casen feeding the birds with Aunt Lindsey.

Casen & Daddy coaxed the bird onto their stick :)

Casen & Aunt Lindsey
Casen has his eye on Aunt Megan's birdie! Haha!!

Michelle, Miller, & Grandma Vivi 

Miller & Mommy. It was chilly that day, so we stayed snuggled up as best we could. Thanks goodness Emma let Miller borrow her warm hat!