Tuesday, September 27, 2011

We're On The Move!

Casen & Collins are mobile! Case started army-crawling (belly-crawling) last week & Collins now rolls over repeatedly to get to where she wants to go. Of course that means we are busy baby-proofing! The electrical outlets are plugged, wires covered up, & baby gates installed. Here are Case & Lainey exploring one gate... you can see the mischief in Casen's eyes as he already looks for a way through!

Casen & Collins trying chicken for the first time - yum! They're such great eaters!

Our sweet Casen - smiley boy!

We met up with Bryan's parents, grandma, Uncle Pat & Aunt Kelly, cousin Sam, his wife Charlotte, & their twin girls at the Carr's house in Lone Oak, TX. David & Kristi Carr are wonderful family friends. The girls had a blast playing with the babies at the house while the guys played golf.

Our blessed family... Case & Lainey 8 months old.

Sam (with Ella) & Charlotte (with Emma).

Bryan & Sam posing with the kids for a cute shot in the wagon. Emma & Collins are ready for the photo shoot to be over!

Emma & Ella playing together.

Baby Ella striking a pose!

Collins & Emma getting to know one another.

Say cheese!

Collins loves to roll over, arch her back, & shake... Kelly named the move "the turtle" because she looks like a turtle turned upside down on its shell. Here she is showing her moves to Emma.

Collins, Emma, & Casen playing together while Ella took a nap.

The girls let Case play with their giraffe... he loved it!

Casen loves to untie shoelaces! Here he is untying grandma's shoes & getting caught in the act!

Collins loves her Nana!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Baby Rebekah

This weekend we went to Houston to visit with my college roommates & see Laura & Michael's baby girl. Rebekah Lynn is 7 weeks old & such a sweetie!
Me & Rebekah... this girl loves her paci! It's fun to compare her with Case & Collins and remember when they were her size.

Karen & Rebekah. K is a natural... Rebekah is sound asleep!

Collins was drawn to Byron's Baylor hat... how cute!

Casen's ready to go... Sic 'em Bears!!

Monday, September 5, 2011

8 months

Everyone says kids grow up fast, but you don't realize how fast until the months fly by with your own kids... & here we are with twin 8 month olds! We are thoroughly enjoying watching Casen & Collins grow & develop - it seems like they learn new things almost every day.
Casen is sitting up well on his own now. He is extremely curious & is always watching & exploring. Luckily he can't crawl yet so we can contain the exploration (for now!) He drools as well as any baby, but doesn't have any teeth just yet. This week he started feeding himself with his fingers & babbling. I often find him happily babbling in his crib after waking from a nap or a good night's sleep - SO cute! Collins is also sitting up on her own, but still topples over quite a bit. She still likes to use her surprise face to express excitement. This week she got her 6th tooth #7 is on the way!

Great Grandpa Jay came from Arkansas to visit for a couple of weeks. It was so cute to watch Casen with him... for the first couple of days he was here Casen would see him across the room & just start smiling & giggling! I think he must have liked Grandpa's bald head :)
Great Grandpa Jay holding Casen & Collins.

Bryan's parents (aka "Nana" & "Pop") came to visit this weekend. We had a great time!

Casen & Collins with their Nana & Pop

Collins with her Nana.

Case & Lainey are both sitting up well on their own now & tried out their highchairs for the first time. Our happy babies!

Nana & Pop feeding Casen & Collins in their highchairs.

Casen trying apple chunks for the first time (using his mesh feeder to prevent choking).