Thursday, January 26, 2012

Visiting the Cousins

Last weekend we drove to Florida to visit Stu, Suzy, Carson, & Taylor. Casen & Collins were such fabulous travelers! It took us 11 1/2 hours to get there, & they only fussed for about 30 minutes the entire trip. The rest of the time they slept, snacked, or played with toys. We even caught a few sweet minutes of them holding hands across their car seats & giggling with one another - so cute!
Aunt Suzy went with us for our 1st trip to the beach & got some great pics. Destin is gorgeous!I've never seen crystal green water before - just beautiful! Casen is very observant and enjoyed watching the ocean sites. He wasn't quite so keen on the sand, however. Collins, on the other hand, wouldn't stop shoveling sand into her mouth. Silly girl!

Collins loves her daddy!

Examining Aunt Suzy's shells & starfish.

Loving that Florida sunshine! Collins on the beach. Casen on the beach.

Case exploring the ocean with daddy.
Fun on the beach with daddy!

Sunset on the beach in Destin.

We took the kids to park for the first time. The kids had a blast swinging.

Sweet Carson hanging out in his own swing.

Casen was intrigued by the infant swing - we could hardly keep him out of it!
Carson loves his red dog so much, Case had to see what all the hype was about.

"Hey Cuz, look what I have!"

Taylor doing yoga.

Casen recognized this Bumbo... he just didn't quite remember how to sit in it.

Casen loves to climb in the oven drawer... his own little dugout!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Congratulations, Uncle Mike!

Michelle's brother, Michael, proposed to his girlfriend, Caitlin, this weekend - Congratulations!! We are so excited for them & can't wait for their wedding this Fall. Our family is so blessed! Casen & Collins were born in 2010, Carson & Taylor were born in 2011, Aunt Lori passed her CPA exam, & now we have Mike & Caitlin's wedding to look forward to :) Casen & Collins had their 12 month well check appointments with Dr. KAE last week. Casen weighs 20.4 lbs and is 31 inches long. Collins weighs 16.4 lbs and is 27.25 inches long. They can both play peek-a-boo & pat-a-cake now. It is SO fun to watch them laugh & play - they are so cute!

Case & Lainey's Great Aunt Judy had these adorable sweaters & hats knit for them when they were born. They fit great just in time for our colder weather. Thanks, Aunt Judy!!

Casen likes to show off on his Bounce 'n' Ride... Look, no hands!

I just love this pic! Collins' hair is now long enough to pull into little pigtails. What a cutie!