Saturday, January 26, 2013

Sick Babies :(

The week before Christmas, Casen & Collins both developed pneumonia. We caught Miller's cough before a pneumonia settled in, but she ended up getting a double ear infection from it all :(  We were supposed to close on our house that week, but luckily it got postponed - I'm not sure how we would have done that with 3 sick kiddos!

Lainey & Miller did breathing treatments to help keep their lungs clear. It took Collins a good 2-3 days to perk up. She felt so puney!!

 Casen was so pitiful :(
All he wanted to do was snuggle with Mommy & blankie.

Miller took her treatments like a champ!
By the end of the week, she was practically giving herself breathing treatment - what a little over-achiever! ;)

Friday, January 25, 2013

Miller's Baby Dedication

Miller was dedicated at church on November 25th. Both Bryan's & Michelle's parents were able to come for the service. The music minister led a song for worship before we went up to the stage & when the song was over Casen wanted them to keep playing.  He kept signing for "more" & saying "mo!", "mo!" 
What a special day to celebrate our baby girl!
Our heart-felt desire is for her to know the Lord & one day accept Jesus into her heart. We are so lucky to have a loving church family to support us & our kids along the way.

Pastor Cary holding Miller on her dedication day - isn't she adorable?!?!

Casen & Collins with their Nana & Pop

I cannot imagine my life without these four incredible people! 
I'm so blessed to have such an amazing husband & our 3 precious babies.

Dedication day with Nana & Pop (Bryan's parents)

Dedication day with Gram & Wampa (Michelle's parents)

Monday, January 21, 2013

Family Fun

And we thought taking pictures for our annual Christmas card with 2 dogs was chaotic!
These nearly 2 year olds think running away from the camera is a game. Their photo shoot tolerance is even shorter than Bryan's... what's a girl to do?!? Surprisingly, we did get a family pic for the Christmas card. We may not all be smiling at the camera, but I'd say we're still a pretty good looking bunch!

A few extra fun shots before the kids completely pooped out...
LOVE this one!! <3 br="">
Casen & Daddy
Mommy & Miller

The kids have recently taking an interest in Bryan's guitar. He lets them choose their own picks & strum along when he practices. They ask for "tar" almost every day - it's so cute to watch them explore their musical skills.
Casen playing with Daddy.

Collins playing with Daddy.

Miller with her Pop.

We've introduced time-out for discipline... Meet TOM (the Time Out Mat). Casen is really good about sitting on Tom when he's in time-out. He always ends up hugging Tom's head - it's pretty funny! Collins responds pretty well to time-outs, too. We just have to remind her to stay on the mat for her full 2 minutes.

What!?!? I'm in time-out AGAIN!
Casen taking out some aggression on Tom.