Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March 1st

It's amazing how personalities are so distinct, even from birth. Collins is quiet & content most of the time; Casen is very vocal & to be quite honest pretty demanding. He's gotten into the unfortunate habit of waking to scream during the night before feeding time. We increased the volume of their feeds to 4oz, and last night we had a peaceful sleep... until 11:30 when he woke up screaming :( It's tough to keep them on a feeding schedule when Casen doesn't abide by the rules! Bryan & I are both exhausted. Hopefully we can keep him satisfied without giving into his demands & encouraging bad habits. I can't imagine going back to work like this!

Our friend, Hannah, let us borrow her bouncy... Collins is LOVING it!
The camera caught Casen with his eyes crossed... too funny!
One of our favorite times of day - daddy's home from work & it's story time!
Casen & Collins lounging in their "little sister" and "little brother" onesies - how sweet!

1 comment:

  1. Something that could REALLY help sooth and calm Casen without giving into his demands is using the techniques on the video "The Happiest Baby On The Block" IT'S AMAZING! Our son has a heart condition that early on we had to keep him as calm as possible. This video SAVED us AND our sleep! You can order it on amazon.com
